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PHP Serial
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Rack Designer

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Wallpaper Slideshow


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WS2300 weather station PHP project
Your own terminal in 17 lines
PC PIC Voltmeter
Network messenger in 22 lines
Phone Dialer




Copyright 2001-2024
© Cosmin Buhu

  Contact details

Cosmin Buhu

Address: Stefanita Voda 10 B
Post/City: Ro-720027 Suceava
E-mail: here
Phone: Mobile: +40721000470. If calling for the first time please make a prior arrangement by email.
Country: Romania
Name: Buhu, Cosmin Musat
Date of birth: 24 November 1969
Legal status: Married, one child
Nationality: Romanian
Languages: Romanian, English (read/write,speak), French (read).
Profession: Electronic Engineer

Technical skills:
Programming languages: C, C#, Pascal(Delphi), Php, Java/JavaScript, Basic, Python, assembler, Objective-C.
Platforms: various x86, embedded, microcontrollers (Microchip PIC, Atmel AVR+Arduino). Windows, Windows Mobile, Mac OSX, iOS, Android, Blackberry OS up to 7. Telit modules platforms including AT commands, IP Easy embedded TCP/IP stack, embedded Python application development, embedded Appzone application developing (C tools).
Fields: 2G/3G/LTE M2M communications, data collecting; data transmission over various media (wired/not wired networks including ethernet, GPRS, CDMA, RF, RS232/485, Modbus), industrial workflow surveillance, GPS stuff including NMEA, u-blox UBX protocol, GPS tracking clients/servers, various database applications, 6/9 axes IMU movement sensing including auto-pilot applications with PID loops.
Databases: mySQL, BDE, msSQL, AidAim's Easy Table fast single file SQL database.
Operating systems: Linux, Windows, OSX, iOS, Android, DOS, PalmOS, WinCE, NutOS, eRTOS.
Web: these pages are entirely my work (excluding the template).

Experience / Education / Work places:

2004-now: Freelancer programmer and embedded electronics.
I am working fast and well, and not expensive. If you have inquiries please contact me here.

2008-now: Consultant for Telit global M2M and IoT company, technical support engineer, technical forum manager and administrator.
2007-2008: Consultant for Round Solutions Frankfurt/Germany for Telit 2G/3G modules, technical support engineer, technical forum manager and administrator.
2004-2006: Embedded hardware and software engineer at Netonwave 2002 SRL Bucharest, Romania.
2000-2003: Software engineer/Maintenance engineer at Continental Arcasul SA, Suceava, Romania.
All installed software and electrical things here (from computers, PBX, TV sets, etc.) were in my job.
1998-2000: Computer service engineer at Data Service SNC, Suceava, Romania.
Started working with microcontrollers.
Built a first prototype of a variometer (indicator of an aircraft vertical speed).
1996-1998: Teacher (electronics and communications) at a local high school, Suceava, Romania.
1995-1996: Television service engineer at Omega SRL, Suceava, Romania.
Learnt TV repairing.
Starting computer servicing and programming in Visual Basic and C.
1995: Electronic Engineer graduated from the Iassy Politechnic Institute.
My graduation project was "Decoding Slow Scan Television signals", a radio amateur mode
to send pictures, it had a hardware module and a software application written in assembler
for Intel 286.

Mountain trek.
Boat building (wood), boating. D and C ICC certificate.
Aviation, sailplanes,paragliding, ultralight planes. Pilot license.